March 27, 2012

Senior : Nathaniel

I don't often have the opportunity to do senior photos, but every chance I have, I always remember how much I love doing it. I love the challenge of capturing one unique personality. Nathaniel and I have been friends since we were both very young. It has been a pleasure watching him grow into the talented, mature, kind and caring young man that he is. I am proud to call him my friend. Nathaniel is an artist, so it was a special challenge trying to work with his own vision and produce the results that he was picturing. I hope I did just that.


Anonymous said...

Oh you definitely did! :)

Angela Stoltzfus said...

wow shannon! it appears to me that you *nailed* it!! great job.

sentz said...

I do LOVE the lighting that you capture in each image!! They look awesome!

Unknown said...

Shannon, these are amazing! They really capture Nathaniel's personality. I love their clarity, coloring, lighting, and depth of focus. I need to get a camera and practice more.